
India and Central Asia (Pre-Islamic period)

India and Central Asia (Pre-Islamic period)

E.V. Rtveladze


2000 год

Number of page


About book

In May 1999, during his official visit to Uzbekistan, His Excellency Mr. Jaswant Singh, External Affairs Minister of the Government ofIndia mentioned that it would be useful and interesting ifan attempt could be made to coHate available information on relations between India and Central Asia in the pre-Islamic period. In pursuance ofthis suggestion, the Embassy ofIndia in Uzbekistan with the support and assistance of the Central Asia Division in the Ministry ofExternal Affairs, Government of India, organised a three-day seminarfrom 1st to 3rd March, 2000 in Tashkent. Twenty five papers were presented by academicians, professors and specialists. The participants were from Central Asia, Russia and India. The papers presented are essentiaHy for specialists on the subject. It is hoped that this book might encourage further research and studies on this subject.